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Online Entry Form for 2025 Cones Clinic at Prescott Rodeo Grounds
The Online Entry Form is best viewed and filled out via a computer as opposed to a smart phone. Use this Form to enter this Event and Pay your fees.
Payments are processed through PayPal, and non-refundable Transaction and Processing fees apply. Download the Entry Form.pdf and mail it with a check to avoid paying these fees. All fees shown below have been adjusted to include their portion of the transaction fee, and the processing fee has been included in the Event Fee.
Note: After submitting the form, you should be redirected to PayPal to process your payment. Some folks have a problem with this, probably due to pop-up blockers, which can be removed in your browser preferences. If you do not have your own PayPal account, you may still pay with a debit or credit card, unless you have used up the number of transactions PayPal allows for your card. This number is undisclosed. You could try a different card.
If you are not redirected to PayPal, we will receive your entry, but no payment. If your payment goes through, you will receive a receipt from PayPal. If you have problems with this form or the payment, please contact the webmaster.
NOTE - Before you hit SUBMIT, please read! If nothing happens, or the form repositions to an area above when you submit the form, you most likely failed to fill in a required field. Please look for * fields on the form and make sure all are filled out, then try submitting again.