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ADCS membership runs from January 1 through December 31 and dues are $30. Membership is required to participate in ADCS activities. Individual and family memberships pay the same fee. To be eligible to participate through a family membership, an individual needs to reside at the same residence as others included in the family membership. A Newsletter and Club Announcements will be emailed to ONE email address only. The owner of that email should forward any emails to other individuals included in the membership, or otherwise keep them informed.
To become a member please select one of the options below.
Option 1: Download the Membership Form pdf file. Once completed, please return the form to the ADCS Secretary with a check for your dues, the address is on the form. PLEASE print clearly so we have your correct information. Renewing members, please do not just send a check; we need you to also fill out the form. The Form requires a signature. Download Membership Form
Option 2: Fill out an Online Membership Form and submit an Online Payment. Online payment will incur a transaction fee of an additional $2, so the member price set on the Online Form is $32. Payments are processed through PayPal, but you do not have to have your own PayPal account. Credit cards are also accepted.
Link to Online Form and Payment
If you have any questions about Membership, feel free to contact our Club Secretary by filling out a Contact Form. Please renew or join well in advance of any event you plan to enter. Thank you.
Important Note Regarding Downloads: Depending on your browser and operating system, when selecting a link, you may see a screen that is just a "view" of the file. To download that file, you can go to >FILE>Export as PDF in the menu bar at the top of your screen, or try moving your cursor over the bottom of the page to see a menu bar appear that has a download symbol. Click on that.